Business Improvement

Business Budgeting for Success

A solid budget is the foundation for your company’s financial management and success. Here are 4 ways to stay in control of your business budgeting. When you’re operating and managing a small business, you have a finite pot of cash to work with. Because of this, it’s incredibly important

2024-06-09T15:47:31+12:00June 9th, 2024|Business Improvement|

Should You Buy A Building For Your Business?

Tired of paying rent for your commercial premises and considering buying a premises for your business? Owning a building works best if your business is well-established, you have money to invest, and you’re taking a long-term approach – it can take many years for this decision to pay for itself. The advantages of

2024-02-18T12:44:10+12:00February 18th, 2024|Business Improvement|

Review Your Expenses – And Save Money

Running a business will always mean incurring certain expenses, or ‘spend’. Whether you’re a large family business or a small fledgling startup, there will be costs, overheads and supplier bills that mount up – and these expenses will gradually chip away at your cash position, making it more difficult to grow and make

2024-02-18T12:16:35+12:00February 18th, 2024|Business Improvement, Cash Flow|

Why You Need A Business Continuity Plan

Keeping your business operational is a full-time job. It’s a balancing act that requires you to keep a multitude of plates spinning – which has become even more challenging for many businesses in these pandemic times. But what happens if those plates stop spinning? Sudden unexpected threats can catch you on the hop. What if

2022-08-29T11:19:53+12:00August 17th, 2022|Business Improvement|

Have You Achieved Your Start Up Business Goals?

Have you achieved your start up business goals? Here are 5 important questions to ask yourself before you take the next step in your business journey. Founding, managing and growing a business is a BIG commitment. For most business owners, it will take years to build a customer following, turn a profit and create a

2022-07-13T11:56:43+12:00July 13th, 2022|Business Improvement|

Small Business Cash Flow

Money in, money out. Cash flow is one of the most important measures of your business's health. But how do you monitor it? It sounds simple to track sales on the one hand and expenses on the other – then compare the two. But a massive 65% of failed businesses say they closed because of

2022-08-29T11:33:19+12:00July 11th, 2022|Business Improvement, Cash Flow, Xero|

The 4 Barriers To Business Growth

Most of the business owners we work with on our Business SAVY improvement programme want to grow their business: increase their income and the value of their business to create financial security in their lives. Even though they may be clear on what they want, they cannot achieve this because of one or more of

2022-07-15T11:12:00+12:00July 11th, 2022|Business Improvement|

Weighing Up A Business Investment

It’s expensive to invest in a new website, payment platform, project management software or automation. Should you take the plunge? We can help you weigh up the costs and benefits. Are you considering investing in a new way to make your business more productive or streamlined? With a tight labour market, everyone’s time is at

2022-07-08T12:30:17+12:00July 8th, 2022|Business Improvement|

Case Study: Moving To Xero Accounting Software

The Business Garden Designs Ltd* is a busy landscaping business created around six years ago by two brothers, Rob and Tim*. Servicing the greater Auckland area with residential landscaping, they currently have three permanent employees and use contractors regularly. The Issues When Rob and Tim first came on board as UHY clients they

2022-07-25T11:17:39+12:00June 8th, 2022|Business Improvement, Xero|

Setting Financial KPIs And Measuring Performance

In our experience, many small businesses don’t know which key performance indicators (KPIs) they should be tracking, how to access the relevant information, or what those metrics actually mean. Tracking specific metrics and financial KPIs allows you to see how you're performing against your targets – so you can take action to improve performance, sales,

2022-05-26T14:35:14+12:00May 26th, 2022|Accounting, Business Improvement|

Business Tips: Writing A Mission Statement

You've had your initial business idea and written a plan. But do you know WHY you're creating this business, or HOW you’ll deliver your end product/service? What will the company's underlying purpose be and how will your core values drive the business? To get these crucial elements ironed out, it’s a good idea to write

2022-03-23T14:52:16+12:00March 23rd, 2022|Business Improvement|

Using Business Budgets And Cashflow Forecasts

Business budgets and cashflow forecasts are only for the bank, right? It’s just accounting jargon that doesn’t really have anything to do with the day-to-day running of your business, right? Wrong! As accountants we do like talking about business budgets and cashflow forecasts – guilty as charged! But what many small business owners may not

2023-03-11T15:51:34+12:00February 11th, 2022|Accounting, Business Improvement|

What Are Your Business Goals For 2022?

The beginning of a new calendar year is an excellent time to review the year just finished and reflect on what worked, what didn’t, what you’d like to change and new things you’d like to implement. For the second year in a row, Covid had an inescapable impact on many businesses, with some thriving, others

2022-02-02T15:53:01+12:00February 2nd, 2022|Business Improvement|

Digital Connections for Business Survival

In today’s modern economy staying connected and “on trend” makes an increasing difference to your business’ presence in the marketplace. This is also true of your relationship with your accountant. Are you well connected? Can you collaborate? Do you share or sound board ideas off one another? Can you look at your live accounting data

2023-03-11T15:56:59+12:00October 18th, 2021|Business Improvement|

Where Is Your Business Going?

If you were to visualize your business in 10 years’ time what would it look like? Specifically: How much revenue will it generate? How many staff will you have? Where will your premises be located and how big will they be? What products and services will you offer and what

2023-03-11T15:59:27+12:00October 1st, 2021|Business Improvement|

Business Improvement Case Study: 123 Consulting Ltd

The Business Established over 15 years ago, 123 Consulting Ltd* are financial investment advisors who provide investment advice to both private investors and corporations. The Issues We began working with 123 Consulting Ltd six years ago. The business was not performing to its full potential despite there being steady demand for their consultancy

2021-09-28T14:52:22+12:00September 28th, 2021|Business Improvement|

Business Improvement Case Study: The Plumbing Company Ltd

The Business The Plumbing Company Ltd is owned by husband-and-wife team, Matt and Susan, who employ 4 additional staff. The business provides both residential and commercial plumbing services. The Issues Although demand was steady, in recent years Matt and Susan became frustrated by the business’ lack of growth. They knew they wanted to

2021-09-17T10:56:16+12:00September 17th, 2021|Business Improvement|

Business Improvement Case Study: XYZ Ltd

The Business XYZ Ltd* is a niche business in New Zealand’s competitive creative industry with around 10 fulltime staff. We began working closely with them three years ago, when a new shareholder bought a 1/3 interest in the business. The Issues XYZ Ltd had a talented design team but were weak in several fundamental

2021-10-22T16:45:39+12:00September 8th, 2021|Business Improvement, Cash Flow|

Ever Thought Of Asking Your Accountant This?

Ever wondered what questions to ask your accountant? UHY Haines Norton Helensville Manager Arpita Khanwalkar explains why your Accountant can be your best resource in helping you to achieve your goals. Many of us believe that our visit to the accountant is a ‘once a year’ thing. Clients visit us, sign their accounts/tax returns, briefly

2021-06-16T17:52:14+12:00June 16th, 2021|Business Improvement|

Have A Separate Account For Tax

If you are in business one of the most useful things you can do with your bank accounts is set up a separate account for tax. Setting up a separate bank account and regularly putting money into it will ensure you can pay your tax bills on time and avoid costly penalties and interest. For

2021-02-03T09:59:38+12:00February 3rd, 2021|Accounting, Business Improvement|

How To Create A Business Budget

UHY Haines Norton’s Business Improvement Manager Michael Jamieson is often asked how to create a business budget. Here he shares his top three tips for developing a business budget that will help with both planning and control of your business’ finances. A good budget tells you how much you spend running your business, if you

2020-11-11T08:32:38+12:00October 28th, 2020|Business Improvement|

Top 3 Ways To Improve Business Cash Flow

Every business owner understands how important it is to have healthy cash flow, and this year that has become even more essential as COVID-19 continues to impact on businesses of all sizes. We asked UHY Haines Norton’s Business Improvement Manager Michael Jamieson for his top three tips to improve business cash flow. Review your invoices

2020-09-24T15:31:53+12:00September 24th, 2020|Business Improvement, Cash Flow|

The Benefits Of Remote Workers For Businesses

Employing remote workers can be a great strategy for growing your business. If the nature of your business does not require hands-on labour, it may be worth considering allowing the flexibility that working remotely provides. And with the continuing spread of coronavirus around the world, businesses are being urged to develop continuity plans to help

2023-03-11T16:01:27+12:00February 26th, 2020|Business Improvement|

New R&D Tax Incentive

In May the government introduced a new R&D tax incentive to encourage businesses to spend more on research and development. Because it applies to the 2019/2020 tax year, any R&D expenditure incurred from 1st April 2019 could qualify for the tax incentive if it meets the eligibility criteria. We recommend that businesses document and keep

2019-07-22T14:27:29+12:00July 22nd, 2019|Business Improvement|

Top Business Start-Up Tips

In recent years there have been as many as 50,000 new businesses starting up in New Zealand each year. Statistics New Zealand reports that while around 80% of business start-ups usually survive their first year, in the longer term often just a quarter survive to celebrate 10 years in business. While no two businesses (or

2021-07-12T12:54:01+12:00May 14th, 2019|Business Improvement|

Tips For Improving Inventory Management

If your business carries stock of any kind, good inventory management is important to prevent over-ordering, out-of-stocks and wastage. The key to having enough stock on hand to efficiently service orders lies in actively managing your inventory. We recommend taking a critical look at the amount of cash you have tied up in stock. Taking

2018-06-26T13:30:06+12:00June 26th, 2018|Business Improvement|

